Reunion updates!


It’s time to set the date and get an idea of who will be coming. The June 15 th weekend posed problems for those still in school. Please help me pick the new date, either the weekend of june 22nd  or June 28th. Keep in mind that the 28th is just prior to the 4th of July. I don’t know if that makes a difference, just pointing it out. Please reply to all with your preference! Also let me know how many are coming and where you want to stay (farm, Barbara’s, hotel).
I’ve arranged to rent three travel trailers from friends, and I am (pun alert) currently installing electric outlets for hookups. Each trailer has ac and a small kitchen. I think the smallest sleeps 8. The cost is low, $100-200 each for 5 days or so.  I’m going to ask our committee to develop a budget for this and other expenses. We’ll get everyone’s lodging sorted out soon, after I get an idea of how many to expect.
The reunion committee members are Kern, Courtney, Magda, Cherie, and Ariel. The committee will have a variety of responsibilities but mostly I need help with a budget for expenses, ideas and coordination for food, and of course activity planning! Thank you for volunteering to be on the committee. If I’ve got it wrong and you don’t want to serve, just let me know.
That’s all I have at the moment. Janet has been working on some menu planning ideas this week, do expect an email from her soon.
Love you all,

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